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Company Nurse

SDRMA has partnered with Company Nurse to provide a telephone based nurse triage program for Workers’ Compensation members at no charge!

A logo with the text "COMPANY NURSE" and "Because Accidents Happen," featuring a stylized face with a bandage and a star.

Specific Company Nurse Program benefits;

  • 24/7/365 Toll-free Injury “hotline” to report all workplace injuries
  • Helps prevent minor injuries from becoming claims through early intervention
  • Reduces actual claims being reported each year
  • Refers employees to authorized MPN medical providers
  • Sends injury reports to all parties: Member, Medical Clinics, SDRMA
  • Provides data reporting and analysis

The concept behind the program is that by providing initial medical evaluation by registered nurses at the time a work place injury occurs, the injured employee is directed to the most appropriate and cost effective level of medical care.

The injured employee calls into a treatment center and a triage nurse will assess the injury over the phone with the injured employee and an employer representative. Based upon approved medical treatment protocols, the triage nurse identifies a course of treatment and can refer the injured employee to the most appropriate level of care, such as referral to an approved medical clinic (chosen by the employer from SDRMA’s Medical Provider Network – MPN) or provide simple first aid/self care guidelines to the employee. By utilizing this process of providing professional triage services the number of filed workers’ compensation claims can be reduced by up to 15% the first full year the program is in place. If emergency care is warranted, the employer should always call 911 first and then report to Company Nurse later.

You can visit the Company Nurse website at

If you are not a member of our Workers’ Compensation Program, please contact us for a quote to see how much you can save compared to your existing coverage!

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