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CSDA In-Person Workshop | Supervisory Skills For The Public Sector

Date: April 8, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

This course for supervisors will discuss and explore the supervisory skills necessary to work with people in the public sector environment. The course will cover what is expected of a supervisor; how to monitor and evaluate employees; and how to coach, mentor, and motivate employees. Through interactive exercises and engaging dialogue you will learn how to create effective, productive and successful teams; describe the various roles of a supervisor; understand the Emotional Maturity Continuum and how to apply it in the workplace; list best practices for effective performance management; practice defining performance standards; explain the GROW model of coaching; identify what motivates people; list strategies for boosting motivation 

Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points

Click HERE for more info/to register