Risk Control
The SDRMA Risk Control team have their finger on the pulse of emerging risks and regulations that affect our members and they are able to assist with developing a variety of resources to fit your training needs. Below is a list of the resources that are available to our members and their employees as value-added benefits of their membership with SDRMA.
Members: please log into MemberPlus to obtain copies of the Safety Talks and Risk & Safety Advisories.
Not currently an SDRMA member? Please reach out to memberplus@sdrma.org to learn how your agency can become a part of the SDRMA pool of members.
SDRMA Services
- Overview of Services - Want to know what we can do for you? Check out the overview and call us!
- Risk Management Subsidy Application - Members have up to $1,000 per agency/year for risk management and risk control related expenses.
- Risk Control Resources - by alpha listing
- Sample Safety Talk - Wildfire Smoke Protection
- Risk Management Guidebook - Serves as a tool to assist with workplace safety and risk management program efforts. Click to view its Table of Contents.
Examples of Services Requested by Members
- Assistance with Cal/OSHA regulatory requirements
- Conduct risk related research and provide guidance on various safety and risk related topics, such as:
- COVID-19 regulatory updates
- Driver and vehicle risk management
- Employee exposures and training requirements
- Wildfire smoke exposures
- Workplace violence prevention
- Customize written programs, forms, and other documents such as:
- Risk Advisories
- Safety Talks
- Sample Templates
- Conduct inspections & evaluations
- Ergonomic evaluations
- Hazard inspections
- Risk control evaluations - to assist members with their risk management and Cal/OSHA compliance efforts. We identify relevant workplace and liability exposures, determine applicable Cal/OSHA requirements, review the District’s programs and procedures, and provide guidance and recommendations where needed.
Contact us today! Have a question? Feel free to reach us at memberplus@sdrma.org or 800.537.7790.